Competency Base Primary Education :
Now primary education system of Bangladesh is competency base education.It means every child will achieve some specific competency after complete the primary education circle. Primary education goal and aims is competency related.There are many kinds of competency in primary level. Such as class base competency, Subject base competency and terminal competency.Every student must obtained specific competency in a certain class.Like class base competency, every student must obtained some special quality in every subject. Which called subject base competency. Class base competency and subject base competency finally makes terminal competency.At present there are 29 terminal competency in our primary education. Competency base Examination system has been started from 2013 in Bangladesh.In primarily education completion examination there was 20% competency base questions in 2013, 35% in 2014,50% in 2015 and 65% in 2016.In the year 2017 there will be include 80% competency base questions in the primary education completion examination.Our national curriculum is being enriched through competency base education system. We hope it will brings a long term benifits for our nation.
(MD. Najmul Haque, Assistant Upazela Education Officer )
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