উকিলঃ সেকি ম্যাডাম ? আপনার স্বামী তো পাঁচ বছর আগে মারা গেছেন । তাহলে চার বছরের আর একটি দু’বছরের বাচ্চা এলো কোথা থেকে ? ভদ্রমহিলা রাগের স্বরেঃ তা আমি তো বেঁচে আছি না কি?
........... There was Pundit in the village. He was well-versed in all Scriptures. He knew everything, but, he was poor. He did not have a house. He used to get his meals also with great difficulties. Even his clothes were very much worn out. So, the Pundit used to beg for his meals. He went from House-to-House begging. “Please give me alms”. On seeing his old clothes many people were thinking that he is mad. So, saying “Go Away” they shut the door. For many days he did not even eaten. Once somehow he obtained new clothes. A rich man gave those clothes to the Pundit. Wearing those new clothes he went to beg as before. To the very first house he went, the householder said, “Sir, please come in. Please have your food in our house”. Saying thus, with great respect, he took the Pundit inside for food. The Pundit sat down to eat. Varieties of soups, Sweet meals, Vedas, and Sweet foods were served for eating. Having prayed first, the Pundit took a sweetmeat with his hand and began ...
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